Beyond Arctic biodiversity conservation: ecosystem stewardship and resilience

Date/time: December 2, 17:00-18:30

Room: Mesanin 1

Session organizer: Martin Sommerkorn, WWF Global Arctic Programme, Henry Huntington, Pew Charitable Trust and Joel Clement, U.S. Department of the Interior

In realising that in a 21st century rapidly changing  Arctic, successful conservation requires a new level of integration between human development and nature management, the session aims to present, and discuss ways forward for, integrated frameworks that go ‘beyond biodiversity conservation’, and that address rapid change. Presentations will focus on the themes 1) ecosystem stewardship, 2) biodiversity resilience, 3) ecosystem based management, 4) sustainable development and would present concept principles and practices, how they address biodiversity conservation in a rapidly changing world, and how they relate to the findings and recommendations of the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment. The 90 minutes session will be structured into an initial block of four or five 10-12 min presentations (allowing one or two clarifying questions after each presentation) followed by a 30 minute panel discussion with the presenters. The presenters will be asked to give a prepared statement on one or two agreed questions or topics, and finally the audience is invited to ask questions. 

Scenario Planning session