Pathogen diversity in the Arctic area: implications for ecosystem sustainability and human health under accelerating change

Date/time: December 2, 17:00-18:30

Room: Gofoten

Session organizers: Eric Hoberg, USDA and Susan Kutz, University of Calgary

Through our session we advance critical discussion about pathogens to the forefront of concerns for diversity in the Arctic.  

Speakers will explore core questions and themes:

  1. What are the major (documented and predicted) abiotic and biotic changes influencing pathogens?
  2. What are the observed and anticipated impacts on hosts?
  3. What are the implications and relevance for people (conservation, zoonoses, socio-economic development) posed by pathogens?

Cross-cuts reveal intersections for marine, aquatic and terrestrial systems in relationship to ecosystem sustainability, food safety/security and concerns for trade and development.

Our goal is to emphasize and demonstrate the importance of an often neglected component of diversity and to illustrate the role of pathogens in future dynamics of arctic ecosystems.

Session theme: Arctic change, resilience and adaptation