The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for the Arctic

Date/time: December 3, 13:00-14:30

Room: Mesanin 1

Session organizer: Alexander Shestakov, WWF Global Arctic Programme

WWF will introduce the topic and present progress with regards to TEEB for the Arctic scoping study to further the implementation of the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment policy recommendations. An ecosystem services perspective on Arctic biodiversity needs to meet the specific policy context for the Arctic in ways that can help decision-makers recognise, demonstrate and capture the benefits people receive from Arctic biodiversity and support mainstreaming biodiversity. The structure of the 90 minute session will include an initial block of 10 minute presentations (allowing two to three clarifying questions after each presentation) followed by a 30 minute panel discussion with the presenters. The panel discussion shall seek to identify policy priorities, questions, as well as stakeholder and right-holder needs and context that an evaluation of Arctic ecosystem services would need to consider to help decision makers recognize, demonstrate and, where appropriate, capture the values of ecosystems and biodiversity.

Session theme: Mainstreaming biodiversity: linking Arctic ecosystems to society