Partnerships in the Arctic: examples of mutual engagement for biodiversity conservation

Date/time: December 2, 15:00-16:30

Room: San Siro 1

Session organizer: Robert Blaauw, Shell International

Effective biodiversity conservation in the Arctic requires a significant commitment of resources due to remoteness and comparatively low availability of information. Some regions are subject to accelerated economic development. Therefore, to avoid significant losses in biodiversity, timely and appropriate measures may be required. These include:

  • inventory and mapping;
  • assessment of ecosystem functions and services;
  • identification of potential threats and losses;
  • evaluation of all stakeholder interests;
  • development and implementation of a corresponding strategy for conservation and sustainable use supported by an adequate budget.

Local governments do not always have sufficient capacity to provide resources for such comprehensive biodiversity conservation measures. Partnerships between businesses, local communities, governments, NGOs and knowledge institutes are a solution. These partners can bring added value to mutually planned and implemented activities. This session will showcase the experiences, successes and lessons learned under existing partnerships in different regions of the Arctic.

Session theme: Mainstreaming biodiversity: linking Arctic ecosystems to society