Adaptive ecosystem based approaches to monitoring in the Arctic

Date/time: December 2, 17:00-18:30

Room: San Siro 1

Session organizers: Rolf Anker Ims, University of Tromsø, Dorothee Erich University of Tromsø, John-André Henden,University of Tromsø, Virve Ravolainen, Norwegian Polar Institute and Nigel Yoccoz, Norwegian Polar Institute

The need for ecosystem-based monitoring (EBM) has been highlighted as fundamental for future management and conservation of Arctic flora and fauna in the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment (ABA). While the advantages of EBM appear clear-cut, there are issues related to approach and implementation, and ongoing monitoring programs in the Arctic may not always concur with the recommendations in the ABA or the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program. We will discuss these issues with emphasis on the following questions:

1) What defines EBM and what are optional approaches?
2) What is the EBM approach adopted in the ongoing programs?

Session theme: Arctic change, resilience and adaption