Invasive species in the Arctic: prevention, detection and response priorities

Date/time: December 2, 15:00-16:30

Room: Mesanin 2

Session organizers: Brooks Kaiser, University of South Denmark and University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization and Denny Lassuy, North Slope Science Initiative

Human-induced biological invasions are a leading cause of biodiversity loss. Changes in climate and human use patterns are increasing the susceptibility of Arctic marine and terrestrial ecosystems to invasion. Increased risks may come from many sources including increased shipping, energy development, mineral exploration and associated shore-based development. This session will explore the current state of Arctic invasion, the relationship of invasive species establishment to climate and human activity, and traits associated with future vulnerabilities. This session will also explore invasive species and loss of spatial habitat as serious threats to Arctic biodiversity, with a focus on integrating natural science, economic incentives and space into dynamic analytical models of management and policy options. We will discuss how to avert impacts and assist in the development of CAFF work on invasive species and strengthen biodiversity conservation in the Arctic.

Session theme: Understanding cumulative effects and managing impacts