The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program, Coastal: monitoring and understanding change in Arctic coastal zones

Date/time: December 4, 15:00-16:30

Room: San Siro 2

Session organizer: Carl Markon, USGS and Donald McLennan, Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) on behalf of the CBMP Coastal Expert Monitoring Group

Arctic coastal ecosystems are under increasing pressures from a number of stressors and drivers of change, including coastal erosion, changes in sea ice, increased recreation opportunities, resource development, and pollution. Determining what effects these pressures - alone and in combination - have on biodiversity is difficult because the Arctic is so large and complex, but also because long-term, circumpolar monitoring data is uncoordinated, leading to information gaps and inefficient reporting. CAFF's Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) will be working with partners across the Arctic to harmonize and enhance long-term coastal monitoring efforts. This session will showcase some existing work being done in Arctic coastal areas and introduce work on the recently initiated CBMP Arctic Coastal Biodiversity Monitoring Plan.

Session theme: Understanding cumulative effects and managing impacts