How to set up a land use scenario and linking it with biodiversity

Date/time: December 4, 13:00-14:30

Room: Gofoten

Session organizer: Wilbert van Rooij, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

A scenario workshop is a perfect tool to bring together stakeholders with different backgrounds and different views to discuss  expected and possible future socio-economic developments and the impact on the environment. The organizer of this scenario session will share his experiences of scenario workshops that he organized for several developing countries as part of training programs on the use of the GLOBIO3 biodiversity model for the assessment of future biodiversity. A simple land-use scenario training tool (in Excel) will be distributed among the participants to see how socio-economic factors impact land use and biodiversity. During this open session participants can bring in their own Arctic themes and it will be discussed if and how they can be related to land-use and biodiversity.

Participants are requested to bring their laptops with them. An Excel file will be distributed which contains sample data that can be manipulated by the participants

Co authors: Iulie Aslaksen, Statistics Norway, Per Arild Garnåsjordet, Statistics Norway and Ben ten Brink, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Scenario Planning session