A horizon scan of the management of Eurasian reindeer

Date/time: December 3, 13:00- 14:30

Room: Mesanin 2

Session organizer: Jon Moen, Umeå University

A horizon scan is a systematic search for potential threats and opportunities that are currently poorly recognised. We will host a workshop session that will focus on key issues in the management and conservation of wild and semi-domesticated Eurasian reindeer. Reindeer have key ecological and cultural roles in the circumpolar social-ecological human-environment systems. As both climate and societal developments are impacting management in direct and indirect ways, there is a need to get an overview of the most pressing issues in both research and policy.

This session will identify and rank the most important scientific knowledge gaps and policy issues for Eurasian reindeer management in the next decades. Through a pre-conference questionnaire to both researchers and practitioners, we will identify a list of emerging issues. Descriptions of these issues will be disseminated to the participants at the workshop. The task during the workshop will be to score the issues on scales from well- to poorly-known issues and from small to large effects on the social-ecological system. We anticipate that the outcome of the session will constitute the backbone of both a scientific paper and a report aimed at policy makers where the ranked issues are discussed.

Session theme: Arctic change, resilience and adaptation