Exploring locally driven adaptation strategies to climate and environmental change: experiences from western Alaska

Date/time: December 4, 15:00-16:30

Room: Gofoten

Session organizers: Beth Kersey, Village of Lower Kalskag and Natasia Levi, Village of Lower Kalskag

The session begins from the vantage that emerging adaptation strategy frameworks may not work well for communities founded on traditional values/cultures, such as in western Alaska. Two pieces of small scaled, initial research are offered focused on the perspective of local people as a way to help guide policy makers and others to understand how to best structure support in times of climate and environmental change. One piece of research focused on women and a gendered perspective while the second explored in 2012 community members perspective of climate change impact on subsistence harvests and hence, food security in the Village of Lower Kalskag. Findings from both research projects will be presented. Some audience sharing is planned.

Case study session