What happens in the Arctic doesn't stay in the Arctic: civil society views on Arctic protection

Date/time: December 3, 15:00-16:30

Room: Mesanin 1

Session organizer: Neil Hamilton, Greenpeace

The Arctic is both a unique collection of ecosystems and one of the most rapidly changing regions on Earth. The impacts of climate change are of global significance. The Arctic additionally has symbolic and intangible value for people all around the world. 

Despite these realities the Arctic Ocean is one of the least protected regions. It is subject to rapidly increasing industrial activity, the threat of severe direct impacts from oil spills, and no overarching approach to environmental protection. 

Civil society has strong vested interests in the Arctic. People around the world are affected by Arctic changes, and support the need for increased levels of protection. The views of global civil society are however either rarely heard, or discounted, in discussions about the future of the Arctic. 

This session brings together speakers from four different civil society organisations to discuss the need for Arctic protection, the relationship between biodiversity science and society, and the need for revised governance.  This session will demonstrate the need for implementation of the ABA recommendations from the perspective of Arctic and non-Arctic peoples and organisations, and provide an essential global frame for focused regional and technical discussions in other sessions.

Session theme: Mainstreaming biodiversity: linking Arctic ecosystems to society