
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Territory of traditional Nature and reindeer husbandry use the experience from Republic of Sakha Yakutia: Mikhail Pogodaev Popular

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Pogodaev WRH Nomadic Herders session 121018_ENG.pdf

pdf The Arctic blue economy: risks and opportunities: Tom Arnbom Popular

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2. Tom Arnbom WWF_ArcticBlueEconomy-RovaniemiWorkshop-20181011.pdf

pdf The Arctic Council and biodiversity - need for a governance framework beyond monitoring and assessments?: Christian Prip Popular

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Prip-The Arctic Council and biodiversity – need for.pdf

pdf The Arctic Resilience Action Framework - moving from insight to action: Marcus Carson Popular

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Carson-ARAF(ABC2018-10-08) draft.pdf

pdf The Arctic Resilience Forum 2018 Lessons learned: Saara Lilja-Rothsten Popular

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Rothsten_Arctic Resilience Forum 10-11.9.2018_SLR_11.9.2018_OK_.pdf

pdf The biocultural landscape of Beringia - An Alaskan perspective: Leigh Welling Popular

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01-Welling IAB9 Oct 12.2018.pdf

pdf The CAO Fishing Agreement: Negotiations and next steps: Maya Gold Popular

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pdf The Central Arctic Ocean Integrated Assessment: Informing Ecosystem-based Management: Hein Rune Skjoldal Popular

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Rune_WCICA - ABC Rovaniemi 101018.pdf

pdf The Circumpolar Inuit Wildlife Management Summit 2017: Nicole Kanayurak Popular

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Kanayurak -The Circumpolar Inuit Wildlife Management Summit 2017.pdf

pdf The Coastal Plan – Process, general structure, and approach: Tahzay Jones Popular

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Jones - ABC_Presentation_Fin.pdf

pdf The Group on Earth Observations – Biodiversity Observation Network: From Data to Decision: Mike Gill Popular

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Gill_EBM7 Gill GEO BON Presentation for ABC Session Oct 9 2018 Rovaniemi.pdf

pdf The next steps for bringing Russian Arctic vegetation datasets into the AVA: Ksenia Ermokhina Popular

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