Arctic Biodiversity Congress 2018 Preliminary Program

Plenary program subject to change. Rooms have yet to be assigned. 

Six main themes guide the flow and organization of the Congress. These overarching themes will run concurrently throughout the Congress and will form the backbone for the Congress. These themes were identified in the Arctic Biodiversity Assessment recommendations for policy


Online program revised and current as of: October 8

PDF updated as required. Last updated: Oct. 8


Tuesday October 9

8:00 - 9:00 Registration/coffee
9:15 Tieva plenary doors close: all to be seated inside Tieva plenary hall or overflow rooms (Kero and Valtuustosali)
9:30 - 9:35 Welcome
Congress co-chairs
9:35 - 9:45 Livđe in the landscape
Anna Morottaja, performing artist
9:45 - 10:00 Opening words
Sauli Niinistö, President of the Republic of Finland
10:00 - 10:10 Keynote speech
Tiina Sanila-Aikio, President of the Sámi Parliament of Finland
10:10 - 10:20 Keynote speech
Aleksi Härkönen, Chair of the Senior Arctic Officials of the Arctic Council
10:20 - 10:40 Indigenous peoples, biodiversity, and their interrelated nature
Dalee Sambo Dorough, Chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council
10:40 - 12:00
Plenary panel 1: Our knowledge, our actions: Addressing biodiversity conservation in a changing Arctic

Moderator: Martin Breum, Denmark 

Vladimir Kattsov, World Climate Research Program, Russian Federation
Mike Gill, Group on Earth Observations - Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), Canada
Gunn-Britt Retter, Saami Council, Norway
Tasha Elizarde: Arctic Youth Ambassador

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 14:30

CC1: Impact of reduced ice cover in the Arctic marine environment

Chairs: Allen Pope, IASC; Rolf Rødven, AMAP

Room: Valtuustostali

Session Report 

EBM6: Large herbivores as agents of ecosystem based management in the circumpolar Arctic


Chair: Bruce C. Forbes, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland 

Room: Saivo

Session Report 

EBM2: The CBMP Freshwater: Coordinated monitoring and assessment to improve knowledge on status and trends in circumpolar Arctic freshwaters

Chairs: Willem Goedkoop, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Joseph Culp, Environment and Climate Change Canada on behalf of the CBMP Freshwater Steering Group

Room: Tieva

Session Report

MB4: Contributions through responsible mining to biodiversity conservation in the Arctic

Chair: Warwick Mostert, Anglo American

Room: Kero

Session Report

IAB4: Biodiversity, cultural heritage and land-use planning

 Chair: Erica Oberndorfer, Labrador Institute, CAFF-IASC Fellow

Room: Erottaja

Session Report

14:30 - 15:00 Break    
15:00 - 16:30

CC4: Early warnings: approaches to assessing and measuring change in biodiversity

 Chairs: Deb Cooper, USNPS; Erpur Hansen, South Iceland Nature Research Centre

Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

EBM7: The CBMP as an international player and a regional Biodiversity Observation Network of GEO BON: Exploring Synergies

Chairs: Mike Gill, GEOBON; Tom Christensen, Aarhus University  

Room: Tieva

Session Report

AS4: Reducing the effects of commercial fishing on biodiversity

 Chair: Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

 Room: Erottaja

Session Report

KNO9: Herbivory in the Arctic – understanding large-scale patterns and processes of a key ecological interaction

Chairs: Isabel C. Barrio, Agricultural University of Iceland; Eeva Soininen, UiT – The Arctic University of Norway

Room: Kero

Session Report

KNO8: The problem of the polar bear: Does the symbol of the Arctic prevent us from fixing the Arctic?

 Chairs: Leanne Clare and Michael Alexander, WWF

Room: Saivo 

Session Report

16:30 - 17:00 Break    
17:00 - 18:30

KNO1: Arctic biodiversity education and outreach

 Chairs: Shailyn Drukis, Canadian Committee for IUCN

 Room: Saivo

Session Report

EBM4: The State of the Arctic Marine Biodiversity Report

Chairs: Alain Dupuis, DFO Canada; John Bengtson, NOAA; Tom Christensen, Aarhus University; Sara Longan, NSSI, on behalf of the CBMP Marine Steering Group 

 Room: Tieva

Session Report

MB1: Promoting of ecosystem services of Arctic wetlands for sustainable development

 Chair: Tatiana Minayeva, Wetlands International; Igor Semenov, EthnoExpert

Room: Erottaja

Session Report

AS6: Understanding cumulative effects on Arctic biodiversity and landscapes

 Chairs: Kathrine Johnsen, GRID-Arendal; Ole-Anders Turi, Saami Council 

Room: Kero

Session Report

IAB1: Hot spots, connectivity and sensitive areas for biodiversity conservation benefit

 Chairs: Reidar Hindrum, Norwegian Environment Agency, Deb Cooper, USNPS

 Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

exact time TBC
18:45 - 19:00)

Buses from Lappia Hall to film night
19:30 - 21:30

Film night

Limited seating. A ticket is required for this event. Please request ticket at registration desk. First come first served.
Public film screening 
Cafe will be open for light refreshments

Our Shared Heritage: Arctic Breeding Birds in the Yellow Sea
Eatnanvuloš lotit – Maan sisällä linnut – Birds in the Earth
Angry Inuk

Location: Polarium Hall in the Arktikum Science Centre and Museum

Wednesday October 10

8:30 - 10:00

MB5: Worldwide partnerships to conserve migratory birds: The Arctic Migratory Bird Initiative

Chairs: Evgeny Syroechkovskiy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, Russian Federation

Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

EBM10: Building long-term ecosystem monitoring programs to feed Arctic and international biodiversity assessments

 Chairs: Torben R. Christensen and Elmer Topp-Jørgensen, Aarhus University 

 Room: Erottaja

KNO2: Traditional knowledge and science under a co-production of knowledge

Chairs: Carolina Behe, ICC; Victoria Buschman, University of Washington 

Room: Tieva

Session Report

AS7: Arctic Ocean Acidification: Pan-Arctic Processes and Regional Ecosystem Impacts

Chairs: Emily Osborne, NOAA; Richard Bellerby, NIVA; Claudia Gelfond, University of Alaska, Fairbanks

 Room: Kero

Session Report

IAB2: Safeguarding habitats for Arctic species under changing environmental conditions

Chairs: Mark Marissink, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency; Marina von Weissenberg, Ministry of the Environment, Finland

Room: Saivo

Session Report

10:00 - 10:30


10:30 - 12:00

KNO3: Make Arctic data accessible and reusable – roadmap to open and cost effective data management policy

Chair: Peter Pouplier, Arctic SDI

 Room: Kero

Session Report

EBM3: The State of the Arctic Biodiversity Terrestrial Report: the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program, Terrestrial

Chairs: Mora Aronsson, Swedish Species Information Centre; Starri Heiðmarsson, Icelandic Institute of Natural History on behalf of the CBMP Terrestrial Steering Group 

 Room: Tieva

AS9: Biodiversity in the high seas of the Central Arctic Ocean- Advancements in management and improved understanding for the future

Chairs: Maya Gold, DFO Canada

Room: Valtuustosali

IAB7: Bowhead whale conservation and future research cooperation

Chairs: Gert Polet, WWF; Erik van de Linde, Ice Whale Foundation 

Room: Saivo

Session Report

KNO10: Arctic terrestrial invertebrate diversity

Chairs: Toke T. Høye, Aarhus University

 Room: Erottaja

Session Report

12:00 - 13:30



Beyond the Blue Planet: Frozen Worlds, BBC Natural History Unit

Following the success of Blue Planet II, the BBC’s Natural History Unit is now focussing attention on the frozen parts of our planet. For this landmark BBC1 6x1hr series we are looking for new animal behaviour, anthropology and science stories and hope to form synergies with experts in this field. Join producers from the Frozen Planet as they present and discuss Frozen Planet II and their international cooperation and outreach associated with the series.

Room: Tieva

13:30 - 14:30
Plenary panel 2: The Arctic in a global context: biodiversity targets, Sustainable Development Goals and a post-2020 agenda

Moderator: Martin Breum, Denmark

Melanie Virtue, Head of CMS Aquatic Species Team, Convention on Migratory Species 
Alexander Shestakov, Head of Division, Scientific and Policy Support, Convention on Biological Diversity 
Martha Rojas Urrego, Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
Dalee Sambo Dorough, Chair, Inuit Circumpolar Council 
Hannele Pokka, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of the Environment, Finland

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)

14:30 - 14:45
Parameters for responsible investments in the Arctic

Tero Kiviniemi, the Chair of the Arctic Economic Council Investments and Infrastructure Working Group

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)

14:45 - 15:15 Break
15:15 - 17:15

CC2: Biodiversity and climate change: impacts on non-marine ecosystems

Chairs: Arkady Tishkov, Institute of Geography, RAS; Leigh Welling, USNPS

Room: Saivo

Session Report

KNO13: Technologies and techniques to advance biodiversity monitoring

Chairs: Catherine Coon, BOEM 

Room: Erottaja

Session Report

AS2: Oil spill prevention, preparedness and response in the Arctic

 Chairs: Jens Peter Holst-Andersen, EPPR; Liisa Rohweder, WWF Finland; Melanie Lancaster, WWF

 Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

AS8: Arctic Invasive Alien Species Action Plan: National implementation and empowering decision making by mobilizing, sharing, and analyzing Arctic invasive alien species data

Chair: Jamie Reaser, US National Invasive Species Council

 Room: Kero

Session Report

IAB3: Arctic marine protected areas: identification, effectiveness, co-management and cooperation

Chair: Tom Barry, CAFF Secretariat

Room: Tieva

Session Report

17:15 - 18:30

Poster session 

Room: Lappia Hall lobby

19:00 Buses from Lappia Hall to reception

light food, refreshments and entertainment

Location: Pilke Science Centre

Thursday October 11

8:30 - 10:00

KNO6: Pan-arctic assessment and data management of plant diversity and community

Chairs: Gabriela Schaepman-Strub, University of Zurich

Room: Erottaja

KNO11: Community-based monitoring of Arctic biodiversity

Chairs: Paul MacDonald, Canadian Wildlife Service; Bruce Wright, Aleut International Association

 Room: Kero

Session Report

EBM1: The CBMP Coastal Monitoring Plan: monitoring and reporting important changes in the biodiversity of Arctic coastal ecosystems – plan development and evaluation

Chairs: Donald McLennan, Polar Knowledge Canada - Canadian High Arctic Research Station; Tahzay Jones, USNPS on behalf of the CBMP Coastal Expert Monitoring Group

Room: Tieva

Session Report

AS1: Effects of POPs and Hg on Arctic wildlife: AMAP assessment

Chairs: Robert Letcher, Environment and Climate Change Canada; Rune Dietz, Aarhus University

 Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

IAB5: Transboundary management of Arctic biodiversity

Chairs: Kristiina Nikkonen, Ministry of the Environment, Finland; Trish Hayes, DFO Canada

 Room: Saivo

Session Report

10:00 - 10:30 Break    
10:30 - 12:00

KNO12: Ideas for Enhancing Effective Communication and Outreach for Subsistence Based Households in Western Alaska: What We Learned from Alaska Native Women

Chairs: Elizabeth Kersey and Natasia Levi, The Alaska Climate Resiliency Project

Room: Erottaja

Session Report

MB3: Green financing, blue economy: Investments in the Arctic

Chair: Husamuddin Ahmadzai, NEFCO

 Room: Saivo

Session Report

EBM5: Species specific conservation actions in the time of ecosystem-based management

Chairs: Dorothee Ehrich, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway; Nina Elisabeth Eide, NINA

Room: Tieva

Session Report

KNO4: Enhanced assessment of marine biodiversity and anthropogenic stressors through integration of research and monitoring under CAFF-CBMP and AMAP

Chairs: Jason Stow, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada; Tom Christensen, Aarhus University, Alain Dupuis, DFO Canada

Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

EBM9: Biodiversity as a fundamental component of environmental impact assessments and land use planning

Chair: Peter Convey, British Antarctic Survey

 Room: Kero

Session Report

12:00 - 13:30 Lunch   
12:45 - 13:15

Poetry lunch

Join two performers as they read from their latest collections: 

Dialogues of Silence: by Mia Rönkä
The Poetics of Arctic Conservation: by Jamie Reaser

Room: Tieva

13:30 - 15:00

CC5: Resilience and management of Arctic wetlands: a social-ecological systems approach

Chairs: David Schönberg Alm, Swedish EPA; and Marcus Carson and Magnus Land, Stockholm Environmental Institute

 Room: Erottaja

Session Report

EBM11: Conservation and sustainable harvest

Chair: Alexander Shestakov, CBD; Gregor Gilbert, Makivik Corporation

 Room: Valtuustostali

KNO5: Intraspecific diversity in Arctic freshwater systems and its relevance in biodiversity and conservation: from pattern to process

Chars: Camille Leblanc and Skúli Skúlason, Hólar University College

Room: Kero

Session Report

AS3: Reducing the effects of shipping on biodiversity

 Chair: William Halliday, WCS Canada

 Room: Saivo

Session Report

MB2: Inspiring Arctic voices through youth

Chair: Sanna Koskinen, WWF Finland

Room: Tieva

Session Report

15:00 - 15:30 Break     
15:30-15:45 Arctic Youth Summit report back
speaker TBC by Arctic Youth Summit

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)
15:45 - 17:15 Plenary Panel 3: Arctic Environment Ministers panel

Moderator: Martin Breum, Denmark

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)

Friday October 12

8:30 - 10:00

MB6: Proteus Partnership: mainstreaming biodiversity information in the extractives sector

Chair: Neville Ash, UNEP WCMC

 Room: Valtuustosali

Session Report

KNO7: Arctic biodiversity governance and Arctic Council biodiversity cooperation

Chair: Christian Prip, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute

 Room: Tieva

IAB6: Nomadic herders: Enhancing the resilience of pastoral ecosystems and livelihoods of nomadic herders

Chairs: Svein Mathiesen, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry; Kathrine Johnsen, GRID-Arendal; Ole Anders Turi, Saami Council

 Room: Saivo

Session Report

IAB9: Arctic biodiversity goals in the transboundary and cross-cultural Beringian region: positive lessons for success

Chairs: Martin Robards, WCS; Evgeny Syroechkovskiy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Room: Erottaja

Session Report

AS10: From individual stressors to cumulative impacts: improving knowledge in the Arctic marine environment

Chair: Catherine Coon, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

 Room: Kero

Session Report

10:00 - 10:30 Break
10:30 - 12:00

AS5: Conflict between people and polar bears in the Arctic: how to address an increasing issue? 

Chair: Melanie Lancaster, WWF 

Room: Erottaja

EBM8: Guidelines for ecosystem approach to management across the Arctic: who, what, where and how?

Chair: Hein Rune Skjoldal, Institute of Marine Research

 Room: Saivo

CC3: Building social-ecological resilience

Chairs: Marcus Carson, Stockholm Environment Institute; Saara Lilja-Rothsten, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, Finland

Room: Tieva

Session Report

KNO14: Leading by example: lessons from Arctic biodiversity monitoring programs

Chairs: Niels Martin Schmidt, Aarhus University, Zackenberg Research Station; Donald McLennan, Polar Knowledge Canada - Canadian High Arctic Research Station


Session Report

IAB8: Status, challenges and opportunities for Arctic Ocean protection and governance

Chair: Laura Meller, Greenpeace Norden 


Session Report

12:00 - 12:15 Final thoughts
Neville Ash, UN Environment

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)
12:15 - 12:30 Closing statements
Congress co-chairs

Room: Tieva and overflow (Kero and Valtuustosali)






LAVVU1: Nomadic herders lavvu dialogue

Join Arctic youth and Indigenous leaders in the lavvu as they discuss observations of change and solutions for sustainable use of Arctic resources. LEARN MORE

Chairs: Svein Mathiesen, International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry; Katherine Johnsen, GRID Arendal; Gunn-Britt Retter, Saami Council

Location: Outside Lappia Hall
Date: Thursday October 11, 2018
Time: 10:30-12:30


Activity: Bird nesting boxes and insect hotels

Join staff from Metsähallitus, Metsähallitus Forestry Ltd and Science centre Pilke to construct bird boxes and insect hotels. Participants can take their boxes and hotels home with them, or they can donate them local schools, who will take them into the forests and monitor their use. LEARN MORE.

Bird nesting box. photo: Timo Tahvonen

Chairs: Timo Tahvonen with Science centre Pilke inspirers, Metsähallitus

Location: Outside Lappia Hall 
Date: Tuesday October 9-Thursday October 11, 2018
Time: 12:00-15:00, while supplies last

The form and content of the Congress program is under development, with guidance from the Program Advisory Committee, but is expected to include the above elements. In order to allow for some adjustments, including further input from the Program Advisory Committee, Congress organizers reserve the right to make changes to the preliminary program. Such changes will be posted on this Congress website.