
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Book: Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region Popular

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Johannesen_CC1 ABC FInland.pdf

pdf Book: Marine Fishes of the Arctic Region: Edda Johannesen Popular

By 1969 downloads

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Johannesen_CC1 ABC FInland.pdf

pdf Building an ecological atlas: from spatial data to conservation across dynamic Arctic seas: Benjamin Sullender Popular

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05_Sullender - Audubon Alaska - Marine Atlas.pdf

pdf Case study treatment of Oil Spill Response Limited's approach to building credible cold weather capability: Paul Foley Popular

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Foley_Arcitc Biodiversity Congress_Paul Foley_OSRL_AS2.pdf

pdf CBMP strategic plan and data considerations: Sara Longan Popular

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Longan CBMP ABC EBM10 ABDS.pdf

pdf CC5: Resilience and management of Arctic wetlands: a social-ecological systems approach Popular

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ABC ArcticWetlandsSession2018.pdf

CC5: Resilience and management of Arctic wetlands: a social-ecological systems approach


  1. Resilience and Management of Arctic Wetlands - a project overview: David Schönberg Alm, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Magnus Land, Stockholm Environmental Institute
  2. Resilience and Management of Arctic Wetlands - a phase 2 overview: David Schönberg Alm, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and Marcus Carson, Stockholm Environmental Institute
  3. Arctic coastal wetlands – critical Arctic ecosystems with an uncertain future: Donald McLennan, Polar Knowledge Canada - Canadian High Arctic Research Station
  4. Arctic Wetlands – an outlook from a global perspective, Tobias Salathe, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands

pdf Circumpolar arctic vegetation mapping, plot-data archive, classification, and transects: A framework for examining arctic terrestrial change: Donald A. Walker Popular

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Walker_Arctic Biodiversity Congress 2018 talk 20181010(150dpi).pdf

pdf Circumpolar trends of diatoms: Maria Kahlert Popular

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pdf Classification of the Arctophila fulva wetlands in the Arctic: Natalia Koroleva Popular

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KNO6_Koroleva et al_corrected_19.10.2018.pdf

pdf Climate-Ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra (COAT): Eeva Soininen Popular

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pdf Coastal ecosystems of Russian Federation - status of information and prospects for integrated monitoring: Liudmila Sergienko and Tatiana Minayeva Popular

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Sergienko11.10.18 Coastal Biodiversity MonitoringTM.pdf

pdf Coastal subsistence fisheries: Martin Robards Popular

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06-Robards_ABC Presentation Fish.pdf

pdf Collaborative monitoring – Traditional Knowledge and scientific study: Alex Hood Popular

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pdf Communities living with polar bears: Gregor Gilbert and Mark Basterfield Popular

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Gilbert_AS5_CAFF_ABC_2018_Baster_Gil_Communities Living With Polar Bears.pdf

pdf Controls on Arctic mosquito (Aedes nigripes) populations in western Greenland: Melissa H. Desiervo Popular

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