
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf A look at Canada’s General Status Ranking Program – Mainstreaming data flow on Canada’s northern biodiversity with the help of NatureServe: Rob Gau Popular

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Gau ABC Finland Session KNO14 October 2018_notes version.pdf

pdf A Methodology for Identifying Important Ecological Areas in the Arctic: Jon Warrenchuk Popular

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03_Warrenchuk_IEAs_Arctic Congress_2018.pdf

pdf A participatory approach to reducing the poaching of Bewick’s swans in the Russian Arctic: Julia Newth Popular

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Newth - Reducing poaching of Bewick's swans Julia Newth ABC#2.pdf

pdf Actions for mitigation of cumulative impact - from a reindeer husbandry perspective: Anna Skarin and Mikael Kuhmonen Popular

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pdf Advancing Technologies to Address Invasive Alien Species: Jamie K. Reaser Popular

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pdf AMBI work in the African-Eurasian Flyway, habitat protection: Anders Braa Popular

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braa-Presentation AMBI AFEU Finland 2018 II.pdf

pdf AMBI work in the most threatened flyway on the planet - East Asian Australasian Flyway: Doug Watkins Popular

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EAAFP AMBI Meeting ABC 2018_Doug FINAL.pdf

pdf An analysis of Circumpolar Arctic Commercial Fishing: Doug Chiasson Popular

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pdf An analysis of SAMBR implementation: Rosa Meehan Popular

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pdf Arctic Freshwater Plankton Response to Environmental Stressors on a Circumpolar Scale Popular

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pdf Arctic governments working together: pan-Arctic workplan for HPBC reduction: Sybille Klenzendorf Popular

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Klenzendorf-CAFF presentation klenzendorf FINAL 2018.pdf

pdf Arctic islands –biodiversity consequences of climate driven fragmentation of Arctic ecosystems: Fredrik Dalerum Popular

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