
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf The polar bear deterrence toolbox: innovations: Femke Hilderink Popular

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Hilderink_2018 10 04 Presentation human-pb conflicts_tech Femke .pdf

pdf The potential effect of underwater noise from construction and explosives when improving fairways: Camilla Anita Spansvoll Popular

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Spansvoll_Rovaniemi final.pdf

pdf The problem of the polar bear: Does the symbol of the Arctic prevent us from fixing the Arctic?: Leanne Clare - Michael Alexander Popular

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Alexander_CAFF Presentation_WWF_The Icon of the Polar Bear.pdf

pdf The significance of intraspecific diversity and its conservation: Colin Adams Popular

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Adams CAFF meeting Thursday pm.pdf

pdf The state of underwater noise throughout the Arctic marine environment: a review: William Halliday Popular

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Halliday - underwater noise review_v2.pdf

pdf Thematic Implementation: Community-based Monitoring (Priority Actions 2.3 & 3.2): Maya Gold Popular

By 1931 downloads

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pdf Thematic Implementation: Risk Assessment (Priority Actions 2.1, 3.3 & 3.7): Kim Gustavson Popular

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Gustavson_Risk Assessment of potential invasive species in Greenland seas - CAFF_10_10_2018.pdf

pdf Traditional Knowledge and science under a co-production of knowledge: Carolina Behe Popular

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Behe-KNO2_Opening Slide.pdf

pdf Trans-boundary management of Arctic fox: Tom Arnbom Popular

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Arnbom Arctic fox Rovaniemi 11 oct 2018.pdf

pdf Transboundary cooperation between Norway, Russia and Finland in Pasvik-Inari Trilateral Park: Riina Tervo Popular

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Tervo-Transboundary Pasvik-Inari Trilateral Park_Rovaniemi_11102018.pdf

pdf Trends in Arctic falcon populations – a preliminary overview for CAFF’s Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Programme: Knud Falk Popular

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AFSG-KNO14-Arctic Falcons-Publish.pdf

pdf Understanding Alaskan Inuit food security and conservation through use: Carolina Behe Popular

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