Plenary panel 1: Our knowledge, our actions: Addressing biodiversity conservation in a changing Arctic

Date: Tuesday October 9

Location: Tieva, Lappia Hall (overflow in Kero, Valtuustosali)

Time: 11:00-12:00

Already warming at twice the global rate, the Arctic environment is changing. As the Arctic warms it moves towards a transformational new state. Rising temperatures, melting ice, thawing permafrost, habitat disturbance, pollution, invasive alien species and acidifying oceans are just some of the changes affecting the region. These changes have wide ranging consequences for Arctic ecosystems and residents.

This panel will discuss the scale and pace of change, and the implications of it. It will examine current knowledge gaps and the effective use of knowledge, then investigate the types of actions, priorities, and the opportunities ahead to address Arctic biodiversity conservation and address common challenges. 

Moderator: Martin Breum


  • Vladimir Kattsov, World Climate Research Program, Russian Federation
  • Mike Gill, Group on Earth Observations - Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), Canada
  • Gunn-Britt Retter, Saami Council, Norway
  • Tasha Elizarde, Arctic Youth Ambassador