Film night

Public film screening at Polarium Hall in the Arktikum Science Centre and Museum (Pohjoisranta 4, Rovaniemi)

Limited seating. A ticket is required for this event. Please request ticket at the registration desk. First come first served.

Cafe will be open to purchase light refreshments.


Our Shared Heritage: Arctic Breeding Birds in the Yellow Sea

Duration: 10 minutes

CAFF and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology have developed a short film that features the work of the Arctic Migratory Birds Initiative to highlight the plight of Arctic-breeding migratory birds in the East Asian Australasian Flyway, and the international cooperation to reverse declining trends.


Eatnanvuloš lotit – Maan sisällä linnut – Birds in the Earth

Duration: 11 minutes

Marja Helander's short film, based on dance, tells its story through the performance by two young Sámi ballet students. It’s about the nature in Sápmi, the youth and the dance. It also looks at deeper questions about the ownership of Sámi land and the Sámi’s right in today’s Finland, where the contradiction between nature and the modern lifestyle is blurred with humour. More information on the film here.


Angry Inuk

Duration: 1 hour 22 minutes

In her award-winning documentary, director Alethea Arnaquq-Baril joins a new tech-savvy generation of Inuit as they campaign to challenge long-established perceptions of seal hunting. Armed with social media and their own sense of humour and justice, this group is bringing its own voice into the conversation and presenting themselves to the world as a modern people in dire need of a sustainable economy. More information on the film here.