
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Financing green investments in the Arctic and Barents Region- NEFCO's near term cooperation: Husamuddin Ahmadzai Popular

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1_NEFCO_H. Ahmadzai_ Welcome_Intro_F_2018-10-08.pdf

pdf Financing green investments in the Arctic and Barents Region- The Arctic Council Project Support Instrument (PSI) and NEFCO's near term cooperation: Husamuddin Ahmadzai Popular

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3_NEFCO_H. Ahmadzai_ Green Finance_PSI_F_2018-10-11.pdf

pdf Financing green investments in the Arctic and Barents Region- The Barents Hot-spots Facility (BHSF) and NEFCO's near term cooperation: Henrik G. Forsström Popular

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4_NEFCO H.Forsstrom_ABC Rovaniemi - Barents_20181009.pdf

pdf Finding and measuring the invisible diversity, novel DNA methods with special reference to arctic invertebrates: Stephen Coulson Popular

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Coulson - Finding and measuring the invisible diversity_TC.pdf

pdf Flyways, ecosystems and ecosystem services: the role of the Arctic: Taej Mundkur Popular

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Mundkur-Flyways, ecosystems and ecosystem services - the role of the Arctic.pdf

pdf Food sovereignty and self governance: Nicole Kanayurak Popular

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pdf Geomorphology matrix as a base of Arctic coastal zone monitoring in Global change dynamic: Dmitriy Dobrynin Popular

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Dobrynin-KAFF_Dobrynin 10_10_2018.pdf

pdf Global Conservation Issues in a Northern Context: Addressing Seabird Bycatch in Arctic Fisheries: Amie Black Popular

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Black-MB5 AMBI Seabird Bycatch Amie Black.pdf

pdf Good practice recommendations for EIA and public participation in the Arctic: Päivi A. Karvinen Popular

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Karvinen - EBM9_Karvinen_11.10.2018.pdf

pdf Governance of the Arctic marine environment – current state of play and future challenges: Stefan Kirchner Popular

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02_Kirchner 12 October 2018.pdf

pdf Greening of the tundra as a driver of the current trends in the Arctic biota: Russian Perspective: Elena Belonovskaya Popular

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pdf Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring Program: Torben R. Christensen Popular

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Chirstensen- GEM_CBMP_Christensen.pdf

pdf Herder’s knowledge and repeated measurements of reindeer use set the baseline for understanding reindeer impact on woody taxa: Anna Skarin Popular

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pdf How aboriginal hunting in the Northeast of the Russian Arctic influences migratory waterbird population? Konstantin Klokov Popular

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_Klokov_Hunting EBM 11_Valtuustos.pdf

pdf How can a new legally binding agreement under UNCLOS help protect the Central Arctic Ocean?: Laura Meller Popular

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pdf How companies can come to the table in terms of biodiversity management: Warwick Mostert Popular

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Mostert_181009_CAFF_Anglo American.pdf

pdf How do ecological factors shape intraspecific biodiversity in Arctic fishes: Bjarni Kristjánsson Popular

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Kristjansson_CAFF2018 - BKK.pdf