
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Conversation biology: Community-based conservation of wildlife in Labrador through ongoing dialogue and sharing knowledge systems: Paul MacDonald Popular

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pdf Current prioritization approaches – how well can we identify different priorities and the related challenges: Santtu Kareksela Popular

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Kareksela_02_identifying priorities and the related challenges.pdf

pdf Data presentation and sharing in practice – the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS): Kári Fannar Lárusson Popular

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pdf Developing effective outreach tools to communicate fishing impacts in Greenland: Mona Maria Fuhrmann Popular

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Fuhrmann_Developing effective outreach tools1.pdf

pdf Developmental approaches toward the preservation of biodiversity through an understanding of its origins: Kevin Parsons Popular

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Parsons_Developmental approaches toward the preservation of biodiversity.pdf

pdf Earlier ice melt increases predation of common eider eggs by polar bears: Allison Patterson Popular

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pdf Ecosystem drivers and adaptive management of the critically endangered arctic fox in northeastern Norway: Dorothee Ehrich Popular

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pdf Ecosystem-Based Management in the Central Arctic Ocean: Henry Huntington Popular

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Huntington AS9-CAO talk Oct 2018.pdf

pdf Effects of overabundant geese on shorebirds breeding in Arctic Canada: Paul Smith Popular

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pdf Emergency prevention preparedness and response: Jens Peter Holst-Andersen Popular

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pdf Establishing baselines for future monitoring of invertebrate herbivory in the Arctic: Isabel C Barrio Popular

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pdf Exploring Arctic ecosystem futures through biodiversity models and using these models for evaluation of global biodiversity models: Fiona Danks Popular

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Harfoot_Danks-Arctic ecosystem futures_ explorations with and evaluations of biodiversity models 3.pdf

pdf Extreme Temperature Prognoses for Russian Arctic Based on New Probability Modelling: Alexey Kokorin Popular

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