
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Arctic ocean acidification: Scientific updates on chemical processes: Richard Bellerby Popular

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pdf Arctic Ocean on track to meet 2020 protection target - in the year 2113: Elena Sakirko Popular

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pdf Arctic Protected Planet Report: Placing the Arctic in a global context: Neville Ash Popular

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Ash - IAB3 ProtectedAreas Neville Ash.pdf

pdf Arctic shipping, AMSA and the Polar Code: a toolbox for keeping Arctic marine mammals safe: Melanie Lancaster Popular

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MNacke - Arctic Biodiversity Congress - V3.pdf

pdf Arctic wetlands ecosystem services overview: Tatiana Minayeva Popular

By 1938 downloads

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pdf ARCTOX: a pan-Arctic sampling network to track the mercury contamination of Arctic seabirds and marine food webs: Jerome Fort Popular

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01_Fort et al..pdf

pdf Area protection in and around Antarctica – lessons from the other pole: Peter Convey Popular

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Convey_CAFF Oct 2018.pdf

pdf Assessing sensitivity of marine and coastal areas to ocean uses in Greenland: Tom Christensen Popular

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TomChristensen__MPA sessionGreenlandoctober10.pdf

pdf Benthos key findings and information gaps: Lis Lindal Jorgensen Popular

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Jørgensen_LLJ_ABC_SAMBR Benthos_Virginie Roy.pdf

pdf Biodiversity data in decision making, how global data support businesses: Melania Buffagni Popular

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02_Buffagni_Eni presentation for ABC 2018 final rev.pdf

pdf Biodiversity in heathlands and barrens of Nova Scotia, Canada: islands of “Subarctic” vegetation in temperate and boreal zones: Jeremy Lundholm Popular

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pdf Biological Effects of Contaminants in Arctic Wildlife & Fish:Rune Dietz, Robert J. Letcher, Igor Eulaers, Jean-Pierre Desforges, Christian Sonne Popular

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Dietz_Letcher_ABC-AS1 Session-AMAP Effects Report- et al-Rovaniemi-Finland-FINAL-October 2018.pdf

pdf Biological responses to Arctic ocean acidification: Peter Thor Popular

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Thor AS7 wednesday.pdf

pdf Biome-wide patterns and drivers of Arctic herbivores functional and phylogenetic diversity: Eeva Soininen Popular

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