
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf Protected areas and Indigenous communities in Chukotka: Konstantin Klokov Popular

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04_Klokov_IAB9 Errotaja.pdf

pdf Rangifer management controls a climate-sensitive tundra state transition: Virve Ravolainen Popular

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Ravolainen Rangifer.pdf

pdf Rapid decay of palsas monitored using RTK GPS, UAS data and aerial photographs: Timo Kumpula Popular

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pdf Reconciliating conservation and sustainable harvest: Geneviève Desportes Popular

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pdf Rediscovery of walruses in the Pechora Sea: Varvara Semenova and Andrei Boltunov Popular

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Semenova_Rediscovery of walruses in the Pechora Sea.pdf

pdf Response capacity for oiled wildlife and clean up in the Russian Arctic: Alexey Knizhnikov Popular

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pdf Responses of tundra carbon cycling and storage to reindeer-induced vegetation transition: Henni Ylänne Popular

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pdf Salmon and salmon-dependent people in Alaska: Highlights of an interdisciplinary research initiative: Peter Westley Popular

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pdf SAMBR and CBird: Mia Rönkä Popular

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Rönkaa_EBM4 _9_1700-1830.pdf

pdf Sea ice biota key findings and information gaps: Cecilie von Quillfeldt Popular

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pdf Selection, quality assurance and prioritization of Focal Ecosystem Component: Susse Wegeberg Popular

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Wegeberg_CBMPcoastal_selection of FECs.pdf

pdf Socio-economic Impacts of Arctic ocean acidification: Henry Huntington Popular

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pdf Spatial prioritization approach to identify irreplaceability and cost-effective improvement opportunities in a protected area network: Santtu Kareksela Popular

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Kareksela_01_identifying irreplaceability and cost-effectiveness.pdf

pdf Status and conservation goals for the critically endangered Arctic fox in Scandinavia. When is mission completed? Nina Elisabeth Eide Popular

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Eide_Status and Conservation Goals for the Arctic fox_Eide NINA_CAFF 2018_FINAL.pdf