
Folder 2018 Presentations


pdf MB2: Inspiring Arctic voices through youth Popular

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Arctic Youth Summit_CAFF-EB_presentation_GCastellanos_OCT-8-2018.pdf

pdf Monitoring biodiversity of Arctic marine fishes: Key findings and information gaps: Kevin Hedges Popular

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Hedges_EBM4 _9_1700-1830.pdf

pdf Monitoring environmental effects of mine discharges in the Arctic: Heikki Mykrä Popular

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pdf National Implementation: Finland: Johanna Niemivuo-Lahti Popular

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Niemivuo-Lhati-Vieraslajit Arctic Biodiversity Congress Johanna Niemivuo-Lahti 10.10.2018 final.pdf

pdf National Implementation: United States: Aaron Martin Popular

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A.Martin_Arctic Biodiversity Congress_2018_.pdf

pdf Oil spill preparedness, response and capacity in the Arctic: an introduction: Liisa Rohweder Popular

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Rohweder-AS2_CAFF_2018_Liisa Rohweder.pdf

pdf Okhotsk Sea bowhead whales as a live model on how climate change may affect the species in the polar regions: Olga Shpak Popular

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Shpak_CAFF_2018_Okhotsk Sea Bowheads.pdf

pdf Opposite predation-mediated effects of food web dynamicson an endangered arctic-nesting goose species: implications for management: Filippo Marolla Popular

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pdf Pan Arctic standardization for identifying biodiversity, drivers and stressors in a changing Arctic benthic ecosystem: Lis Lindal Jørgensen Popular

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Jørgensen-KNO4_Jørgensen_Short_PanArctic Presen.pdf

pdf PanArctic variation in anti-browsing defense in tundra dwarf birches: Elin Lindén Popular

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pdf Perspectives of regional governments on conservation of biodiversity in conditions of industrial development of the Arctic: Sakhamin Afanasiev Popular

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pdf PISUNA - From community-based monitoring to management in Greenland: David Mitchell Popular

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pdf Plankton key findings and information gaps: Connie Lovejoy Popular

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Lovejoy _EBM4 _9_1700-1830.pdf

pdf Polar bear life in the Russian Arctic in the light of recent research results: Andrei Boltunov Popular

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Boltunov_Polar bear life in the Russian Arctic.pdf

pdf Predicting the future for endangered birds: Sirke Piirainen Popular

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pdf Present and future effectiveness of Arctic Protected Ares in Russia: Mikhail Stishov Popular

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pdf Presentation highlighting Data that are created by the CBMP remote sensing work: Sara Longan Popular

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Longan_ABC_presentation_Oct2018 .pdf