pdf Beaufort Sea and Viscount Melville Region Polar Bear-Sea Ice Colloquium

Beaufort Sea & Viscount Melville Region Polar Bear-Sea Ice Colloquium

David Barber1, Andrew Derocher2, Marsha Branigan3, David Douglas4, George Durner4, Christian Haas2, Lois Harwood5, John Iacozza1, David Jackson6, Humfrey Melling5, Simon Prisenberg5, Frank Pokiak7, Larry Carpenter8, John Cheechoo9, Joint Secretariat Staff.

1University of Manitoba, 2University of Alberta, 3GNWT -Environment and Natural Resources, 4USGS– Alaska Science Center, 5Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 6Canadian Ice Services, 7Inuvialuit Game Council, 8Wildlife Management Advisory Council (NWT), 9Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.


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