Paul Nicklen on assignment. Photo by Göran EhlméPaul Nicklen

Paul is a Canadian marine biologist with a specialty in polar bears and Arctic ecosystems and he has been working for National Geographic Magazine for 15 years. As an assignment photographer he has produced 15 stories for the magazine. His work focuses on the delicate relationship between healthy ecosystems and marine wildlife and his preferred working niche are polar environments. In addition to his collaboration with National Geographic, his work has been featured in hundreds of other publications around the world and he has given public presentations in over 20 countries. Most recently, Paul's work was exhibited at the world renowned Annenberg Space for Photography in Los Angeles and he was a featured speaker at the 2011 TED Conference.

He was recently named one of the World's top 40 Most Influential Outdoor Photographers by BBC Magazine. 

Paul has received over 30 prestigious international awards including 14 BBC Wildlife Awards (Veolia Environnement Wildlife Awards), 5 World Press Photo Awards, several awards from Pictures of the Year International, Communication Arts, and Nature's Best Magazine and numerous other recognitions for his work as a photojournalist and a conservationist. Paul is the 2012 winner of the BBC/Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year award, the first ever Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) BioGems Visionary Award winner, and is also the recipient of the 2012 First Prize for nature for the World Press Photography Organization; the largest, most prestigious recognition a photojournalist can receive.

A selection of Paul's work and further information can be found on Paul Nicklen's website