Carsten Egevang. ARC-PIC.comArctic biodiversity category

The category "Arctic biodiversity" is intended to show migratory and resident wildlife inhabiting the Arctic regions. A maximum of seven images can be submitted into each category by an individual photographer. The competition is open to all photography enthusiasts from across the world, provided that the image is taken within the CAFF border.

The winning image of this category will receive a prize.

Images from this category will be considered when the judging committee determines the competition's overall winner competition.

Youth entering this category can submit up to seven images. The judging committee will determine two "youth" winners one under the age of 14 and one under the age of 18 which will be chosen among submissions.

Entries must be labelled with the entrant’s name, the category letter and a unique number, for example “johndoe_C_01”. 

Tom Middleton,

Entries must be in JPEG format, of 300 ppi and at least 1800 pixels on the longest side.Entrants shortlisted to the second round of the competition will be requested to send a high resolution version of the image (minimum 3500 pixels), caption information, along with RAW-files or untouched JPEG-files for authentication.

Submission of an entry will be taken to mean acceptance of the terms and conditions