Lawrence Hislop

Lawrence Hislop

Lawrence Hislop is an environmental policy specialist, communications expert and senior programme officer at GRID-Arendal, in Norway. He is responsible for project management of Arctic and mountains/cryosphere projects. Representing UNEP at Arctic Council (AC) meetings and participating in AC working group projects and activities. Core competency of work involves developing visually illustrative representations of environmental data and information for use in wide variety of policy oriented outputs.

Lawrence runs projects across all arctic eight countries as well as four countries in the Hindu-Kush Himalayan region. He is also assisting Central and Eastern European countries, including Central Asia, in developing integrated environmental assessment reports and state-of-the-art environmental reports, assisting and participating in several regional assessment processes, and working to strengthen national and regional environmental information management systems. In relationship to his assessment work, he organizes communication initiatives, such as journalist workshops and media tours, in different regions. He has specific thematic knowledge on water and forest ecosystems, and has participated in cross-sector analyses in different regions. His skills include using maps and graphics as a main communication tool for regional and national analyses and developing conceptual maps and graphics through interactive communication with national experts.