Life Linked to Tundra

Explore the tundra! Learn more about all the plants and animals that rely on the tundra to live; caribou, owls, ptarmigan, lichen and more!

Life Linked to Ponds

Learn more about Arctic ponds and wildlife- birds, foxes, even the little critters! Make an underwater viewer and really start exploring!

Life Linked to Spring

Spring is the best time of year! Animals and plants burst to life in the Arctic. Explore spring in your area!

русский (Russian)

Мы рады сообщить Вам о выходе новых обучающих материалов для учителей и детей! 


Access all CAFF's educational toolkit documents in English.

Íslenska (Icelandic)

 Öll námsgögn CAFF á íslensku.


Learn more about Arctic ponds and wildlife- birds, foxes, even the little critters! Make an underwater viewer and really start exploring!

Anarâškielân (Inari Saami)

Mij moovtâ faallâp uđđâ oppâmaterialijd máttáátteijei já párnái kiävtun! Tääbbin tun kaavnah párnái lummâuáppáid (tääl meiddei anarâškielân!) já ton ooleest jođetteijee uáppá (tuše eŋgâlâskielân), moh uápisteh tuu tutkâđ arktisii kuávlu lááduid, tundra já kiiđâ.

Davvisámegillii (Northern Saami)

NSaami promo 

Árktalaš šattuid ja elliid suodjalanorganisašuvnna / CAFF oahpahusmateriála lea dál fidnemis maid davvisámegillii!

Français (French)

Spring is the best time of year! Animals and plants burst to life in the Arctic. Explore spring in your area!

Suomeksi (Finnish)

Uudet opettajien ja oppilaiden oppaat ovat nyt saatavilla! Täältä löydät lapsille tarkoitetut taskuoppaat (nyt myös suomeksi!) sekä niihin liittyvät ohjaajien ohjekirjat (vain englanniksi), jotka auttavat sinua tutustumaan arktisen alueen lampiin, tundraan ja kevääseen. Lähde tutkimaan ympäristöäsi yhdessä lasten kanssa!



The National Institute of Ecology(NIE) is a place for ecological research, exhibition and education where you can observe and experience the five major climates such as tropics,deserts, the Mediterranean, temperate zone and the polar and the animals and plants living in those climates.
NIE PRESS create books for various readers throughout children, adults and experts with valuable ecological informations and stories.

CAFF has produced a series of educational resources to help children and their educators explore and understand Arctic ecosystems and processes.

These educational resources consist of:

  • a pocket guide for children (aged 8-12)
  • an accompanying leader's manual for teachers, parents, siblings, and other instructors 

These documents are available in both A4 international and 8.5x11 letter size for North America.

CAFF is in the process of translating the children's pocket guide in to other languages. They will be made available here when ready.